Foto: Xisco Kamal, Kamal Photography
Executive Director
. P O S I T I V E L E A D E R S H I P .
Since its foundation 11 years ago, BNI Baleares has generated more than 151.4 million euros in business on the islands, 25.4 million euros in the last year, contributing significantly to the revitalization of the economy and local commerce.
With 421 members in the Balearic Islands, 9,234 members in Spain and 314,000 members worldwide, BNI continues to grow as the most powerful and effective tool for companies that want to expand and grow through business networking, exchanging quality references and generating relationships of trust that become new customers, thus helping entrepreneurs in the Balearic Islands to increase their turnover.
Today, at The Ambassadors Sections, we interview Patricia Martino, Executive Director of BNI Baleares, to learn first-hand about her main achievements, her goals for the future and her personal trajectory, a deeply inspiring life story.
Patricia, thank you so much for having us today. As a member of BNI Baleares, I want to tell you that I feel especially fortunate to have the opportunity to delve deeper into BNI Baleares through your eyes.
Thank you very much, Patricia, for the opportunity to spread the strengths of BNI Baleares through this interview in The Ambassadors Sections, which will also allow me to make known my most personal side.
Patricia, let’s talk about the dimension of BNI Baleares today, as part of BNI – Business Network International –, the most important business networking organization in the world, which continues to grow in the Balearic Islands by promoting the expansion of business in the Islands.
BNI Baleares is a cog, it is a value chain of more than 400 members in which we are all needed and to which we all contribute added value. It is a team effort in which my main function, as Executive Director, is to define, generate and transfer the best content to the group leaders, in the most appropriate and effective way possible.
BNI Baleares offers a lot of resources to its members and we work tirelessly creating and always generating new content for trainings, organizing and planning the week almost to the millimeter. Therein lies my first responsibility and also my main strength.
As part of a global organization, we have superior guidelines, of course, certain immovable foundations at the regional, national and international levels, but I try to give my managers as much autonomy as possible, receive their ideas and decisions with the utmost respect and contribute to their implementation whenever I can.

Patricia: How did you get started at BNI? How and when did it all happen?
Well, my history at BNI has been quite special, we could even say almost predestined, perhaps.
When I settled in Spain on my return from Argentina, I was in a very active stage in which I started several new projects. One day I was invited to participate in a BNI meeting, which I attended and I loved the experience: I felt at home from the first moment and totally identified, immediately, with the values of the organization.
The open-mindedness of the people who were there… That positive attitude, that desire to generate and develop new projects and to establish relationships of trust. I loved the concept and got it right away. I saw that it was a great opportunity for me and decided to become a member.
Little by little I took on different roles within the organization, always accepting each new challenge with enthusiasm, until 8 years ago, of the 12 years that I have been in BNI, the Regional Directorate of the Balearic Islands was vacant due to a conjunctural issue, and from the National Management of BNI Spain they offered me the opportunity to become the Executive Director of BNI Baleares.
I decided to take the plunge and accepted the challenge with great enthusiasm and responsibility.
For me, it was another important evolutionary step in my career in the organization, a natural transition, because I, like any new member who will join BNI tomorrow, lived and developed my experience at BNI from the beginning and in all its phases.
I went through all the roles gradually: from new member to consultant, then to director and then to team leader, so it seemed natural for me to continue the process and culminate it as Executive Director.

Mark Gibson – BNI Spain National Director, Patricia Martino – Executive Director of BNI Balearic Islands, and Graham Weihmiller – Chairman & CEO of BNI Business Network International
On a personal level, I also felt it as a kind of inescapable call, like when the heart responds yes, even before the brain has been able to evaluate the proposal.
I felt like I had to be here, so I loved the idea of leading the project.
I really like the organization, I am very Pro-BNI from the heart, I like its philosophy, its values, that is to say that I really share and identify with the essence of BNI, with everything it means and with everything it contributes.
Since I joined the organization, BNI has become a very important part of my life, because BNI is not only a very powerful tool on a professional level, it also has an important weight that brings us a lot on a personal level.
Very valuable and close relationships are established and developed within BNI. We have an infinite number of anecdotes… Great friendships have been forged at BNI, great love stories have emerged, the examples of how BNI moves from the professional sphere to the more personal areas of our lives are countless, and we feel very happy and proud of it.
Because of my own life experience, having travelled all over the world living in different places, because of my way of being, seeing and living life, everything that is related to a global, international and cosmopolitan environment seduces me, I love it and BNI is a window to the world that allows you to connect not only with like-minded entrepreneurs in the Balearic Islands and in the rest of Spain, but also with the Balearic Islands. but also in 77 countries globally.
Given the current global context, human relationships will become increasingly important in business, and BNI offers you the possibility of surrounding yourself with a solid environment of trust and support, both in proximity scenarios and at a global level.
On the other hand, BNI has allowed me, and allows me, to meet wonderful people, and that is another of the intangibles of BNI that I value the most: the opportunity to surround yourself with incredible people.
That was another of the decisive factors that contributed to the instant infatuation I felt for the project and the organization from the first moment.

BNI’s values are the ones that most represent its foundations, and I feel deeply aligned with all of them.
For example, for me one of the most important values of BNI and the one with which I identify the most is the positive attitude. A positive attitude is a way to take responsibility for what happens to us, of course, but the important thing is to do it constructively.
I really like the importance that BNI gives to continuous training, all my life I have loved learning, updating, growing, improving and evolving. In fact, I dedicate large amounts of time, energy and resources, both vital and economic, to training and preparing quality training with high added value, because for me continuous training is fundamental.
I also feel very identified with the value of recognition because I believe that people who want to do things well, also like others to recognize it, value it and thank us.
BNI offers us many tools to help us measure the actions we are taking to achieve our goals, it helps us to assess our progress through our results and to shed light on the areas where we can improve, so that we can also celebrate our achievements.
And another of BNI’s fundamental values is based on the desire to want to help, collaborate, contribute and support the rest of the people around us, with the certainty that this contribution will come back to you and therefore will also end up enlarging and enriching you, not only symbolically and metaphorically but also literally. That is the basis of our «Givers Gain» philosophy.
And well, in the end, being the Executive Director of BNI also means exemplifying those values, and I find it very easy and very beautiful to do so because on a personal level I feel deeply aligned with all of them.
The same is true for group managers when it comes to exemplifying and transmitting BNI’s values to their own teams.

You Lead Leaders…
I have a really spectacular team of directors and I value each and every one of them very much. None of what we have achieved would have been possible without them, without their effort, dedication, commitment and involvement.
It is inherent in the culture of the organization to value diversity and each director adds value through his or her own virtues, qualities and strengths.
They also perceive my respect and my desire to contribute and learn from them and with them.
Logically, as in all group organizations, and as BNI brings together so many talented people with important autonomy and personality traits, inevitably friction sometimes arises in interpersonal relationships, but BNI isan ecosystem in which everything feeds back and we all learn from each other.
For my part, I am in charge of providing the group with quality training on an ongoing basis and the best available resources. Of course, not everyone will appreciate or use them in the same way, it will also depend on their own criteria and value system and BNI contains very diverse profiles, but my mission is to provide managers with the best tools to put them to work for the benefit of each of their teams. which ultimately redounds to the benefit of the entire group, and in that sense, I can say that I feel fully satisfied with how I develop that mission through my contributions.

Perspective is everything…
You have to have a high vision, keep your eye on the big picture, not just on the details but on the whole picture, like a map.
And I also apply that in my mission of leading, visioning, establishing the strategic guidelines and creating content and when I do the trainings I obviously go on stage, I do the opening and I enjoy it, but I like nothing more than giving a voice to my directors, who are the ones who then transmit, develop, push and lead in their own teams. Each bringing their own talent, their own approach and their own personality.
It is the generation and dissemination of ideas that matters, and directors are the best transmitters. I usually prefer to observe from backstage because it allows me to see the whole picture and give a voice to the directors, who are the real protagonists.

I have a personal philosophy that I could summarize as «The 3 P’s», the three fundamental pieces by which I am guided: «People, Passion and Processes».
BNI is an organization with a well-established methodology in which processes are developed by people. That is why for me it is very important to value the person to enhance the process, and not the other way around.
If we take care of people, they will try on their own to successfully implement the processes. And not only that, but also to transfer and transmit them correctly to their teams.
That is why I place great value on people who contribute, who create, who decide, who develop and who implement, because these are the main characteristics on which our Positive Leadership model is based. Lead with passion, initiative, motivation, innovation and empathy.

Patricia, the last few months have been especially exciting and intense for you, and for BNI…
Yes, on a professional level, at the end of last year we were summoned to Madrid for a training for all the Executive Directors who have the challenge of developing BNI in our territory, in my case, the Balearic Islands.
It was a very interesting and intense 3-day training, taught by great BNI leaders from India, Portugal and Spain.
A meeting where you can learn and share experiences and enthusiasm and meet other directors from different parts of the world.
The day after finishing the training, without truce or pause, the BNI Global Convention began, which is held every year in a different part of the world and last November was held in Madrid.
What BNI does is put the spotlight on what we have in common, as was highlighted at the last Global Convention. Participating in this international congress is undoubtedly one of my favorite events of the year.
To live and share this wonderful experience with almost 3,000 people from 77 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, all the parts of the planet where BNI is present, participating in this meeting in which everything happens at the same time and is really exciting: Learning, opportunities, building links, sharing culture, having fun… It’s something really unique, impossible to describe in words.
When you see all those people speaking the same language of Givers Gain, people of origins and races who in other environments and territories are at war, in tension or in indifference and in our Global Convention they are united by the bonds of trust and the bonds of collaboration… You get deeply moved.
I think again, «Thank you Ivan Misner for having founded this amazing community», I feel proud to be part of it, all learning, all sharing, all exchanging opportunities for growth and also having a very good time, becauseBNI, unlike other organizations that are more protocolary, it has the ability to get people to interact in a pleasant way without sacrificing professionalism.

Patricia Martino – Executive Director of BNI Balearic Islands, Dr. Ivan. Misner, Founder of BNI Business Network International and Joan Coll, Co-Executive Director of BNI Balearic Islands
Three days of incredible dynamics with top-level speakers and great world leaders.
The BNI Global Convention is held every year interspersed in the Americas, Europe and Asia, in order to facilitate the participation of all leaders and the presence of BNI members from all over the world and this year Spain was the host, as the congress took place in Madrid, so even more excitement and even more pride of belonging.
At the BNI Global Convention you can contact people from almost all over the world and the opportunities that arise are exponential, just be receptive and the possibilities flow.
Possibilities that grow and opportunities that are magnified because they occur in an environment of trust and social harmony.
Experiences that allow you to enjoy the journey and look towards new horizons, innovate, generate new ideas, develop new synergies, establish links with new partners, and above all enjoy seeing that people enjoy caring for and helping other people.

Patricia, what feelings and sensations would you highlight from your experience at this last BNI Global Convention 2023 in Madrid?
I came back from the BNI Global Convention in Madrid 2023 full of energy, purposes and proposals, and above all I came back very proud of the Balearic Islands, because we were the region of Spain that had the most representation at the congress, among all the members and directors who participated, and that is an indisputable indicator of the strength and commitment of BNI Baleares and the great team that we are in the context of the entire group BNI Spain.
I come with more learning, with my vision of leadership reinforced and with a great desire to increasingly strengthen this great community of entrepreneurs that I am so proud to lead, to contribute and participate in its development and of which I feel privileged to be a part.
I came back with more desire than ever to convey that at BNI the resources at our disposal are truly unlimited, so that we can use them to achieve everything we set out to achieve.
The next BNI Global Convention 2024 is in Hawaii and just thinking about it I’m already enjoying the idea of attending.
Traveling is one of my passions and one of my most important goals. For me, traveling is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, wisdom, culture and exploring and deepening everything that surrounds me.
Because of my role at BNI I am lucky enough to have to travel very often, but I also make my getaways on a personal level whenever I can.
I have just returned from Asia, where we have been to Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.
Exploring other cultures and meeting people from other places reinforces my empathy for people beyond their race, their religion, their resources, or the color of their skin. For me, traveling is the most interesting and enriching way to learn.
To be the leader of this organization is to be the leader of something big that invites you to think big.
Feeling part of this great purpose of changing the way the world does business and doing so from the values of trust, commitment and collaboration motivates me and drives me to get the best out of myself and to dedicate myself passionately to this goal.
This year BNI turns 40 years old and that says a lot of things.
The last day of the BNI Global Convention 2023 in Madrid closed with the expected moment of knowing where the next one will be held, and this year 2024 it will be in Hawaii, so I am already eager to pack my bags, I always take advantage of the BNI Global Convention to meet other countries, wonderful cities and interesting new people.
Ser líder de esta organización es ser líder de algo grande que te invita a pensar en grande.
To be part of building bridges that allow us to cross diverse borders, cultures, and environments with the sole purpose of doing good things for everyone.
It has been a very intense year with great experiences that allow me not only to train but also to grow personally, to reinforce wisdom, which is what happens when learning and experience is integrated into your mind, your emotion and your self-knowledge.
I like challenges, I am curious by nature and exploring new territories and experiences gives me life and right now, in this sweet stage of my life in which I am an «experienced young woman» I enjoy BNI more than ever, because I have time, desire and resources to be able to take advantage of many of the opportunities that being part of this great family gives you.

Patricia Martino – Executive Director of BNI Balearic Islands, Dr. Ivan. Misner, Founder of BNI Business Network International and Joan Coll, Co-Executive Director of BNI Balearic Islands
You have BNI in your veins…
Yes. And its Values.
Positive attitude always.
Desire to do and facilitate and a lot of love to give and receive.
I have many very good resolutions, a great team and a positive attitude.

Foto: Xisco Kamal, Kamal Fotografía

Contacting leaders from other parts of the world, being able to interact, communicate, share and learn from them and with them is a great privilege.
After 12 years at BNI and 8 as Executive Director of BNI Baleares, I am increasingly attracted to contact members and leaders from other parts of the world, I have the purpose and hope that, among all of us who are part of this great community, we can inspire the world with the message of how important collaboration is and walk together and accompanied.
I’m enjoying a stage with many experiences that add up and add to me.
Last year I spent it practically up and down on a plane, both professionally and personally.
I was able to enjoy a wonderful cruise with my husband Joan Coll through different countries in Asia, a continent that I adore for being a great mosaic of contrasts that I learn so much about every minute that I am there.

I was also in Buenos Aires several times for business reasons that I still keep with my family, which has allowed me to enjoy my beloved hometown and my hometown.
Buenos Aires is a city that I have adored all my life, where I spent the best moments of my tender adolescence and I enjoy with all my senses every time I return.
In addition, I always come back with that full and comforting feeling that you feel when you know you are loved.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

I was also visiting one of my daughters in Geneva, who is living nearby, and we shared a dream weekend together in a small village in Switzerland.
As my daughters grow up, I love spending time alone with them and enjoying the wonderful bond we’ve built with each other.

Patricia, speaking of wonderful places, I think it’s worth noting that the empathy you feel when traveling is also evident in the fact that BNI is not only growing in the Balearic Islands, but with the Balearic Islands…
Let’s talk about BNI’s involvement with the Community, generating synergies and collaboration agreements with the main Confederations and Associations of the Balearic Islands.
Yes, I am also very proud of this because today BNI is a highly valued and well-positioned organization in the Balearic Islands and there are many indicators that they really listen to us.
In this sense, we were also quite innovative from the beginning. We realized that if we were talking about a language of collaboration, we had to collaborate with all the institutions, organizations and business confederations on the island, whether public or private, because in the end each one of them contributes its value to the community and I believe that through collaboration we all become stronger.
We establish agreements, give presentations and hold networking events together and we also sign agreements with private entities to achieve specific benefits for all our BNI members.
We are constantly looking for formulas that allow us to strengthen ties with other organizations, in order to generate and offer added value not only to our members but to the entire local community.
At BNI, many success stories are generated that in the end translate into families achieving a better quality of life, people hiring others thus generating new jobs, the creation of innovative synergies and the generation of new projects that give rise to the birth of new companies.
Many of our members join BNI with a specific activity and after a while they generate a new one, they associate with each other, they empower themselves, they grow, they expand.
Even people from other parts of Spain have been able to carry out and start projects here on the islands through BNI Baleares, also contributing to the opening of the local economy, or we have helped companies from here to relocate and establish themselves in other territories. I think that this is also an important contribution of BNI Baleares to the islands at a socio-economic level.

The Balearic Islands as a territory is very special, with great wealth and great attractiveness both economically and historically and culturally, and that makes many companies and non-residents want to establish businesses here, and I think it’s fantastic, I understand that we live in a world of supply and demand, but I also understand that that makes the local business community a little more vulnerable, and that is why I believe it is important that all the associations, organisations and business confederations of the Balearic Islands work together to help local companies remain competitive in the market.
Part of our mission at BNI Baleares is to demonstrate that we have magnificent entrepreneurs on the islands and to contribute on our part by strengthening them through continuous training, providing them with the best resources that allow them to establish quality and trusting relationships that make their businesses grow by offering better and better services.
We have to protect our wealth and actively contribute to the organic growth of all local economic sectors, and for our part the best way to achieve this is for all of them to be represented in BNI Baleares: for example, sectors that include all sports related to Nature, such as Golf or Sailing, which have a very significant importance in the Balearic economy.
I would like everyone to have a meaningful representation at BNI Baleares through their companies.

And of course, to continue growing in the traditional sectors that are and will continue to be the economic engine of the Balearic Islands par excellence, such as Tourism, Nautical Services, Construction or Real Estate, but new sectors with great potential are also emerging, especially those related to Sustainability, Circular Economy and Technological Innovation.

You have to be receptive and open-minded to make room for all the new activities and professional categories that arise, because I believe that there are going to be many changes in professional environments and that entrepreneurs have to be very well informed, advised and prepared to open up new sectors, new ideas and new proposals.

Patricia, we would also like to get to know you more and better, that you share with us your most personal story. Tell us Patricia….Who are you?
Well, the truth is that my personal story is also quite special, but if I wanted to start it at the end, the first thing I would say is that I feel proud of who I am and of being where I am.
More so… I feel happy and grateful, and I think that if my parents were here they would also be proud of me, because despite the challenges and obstacles that have come throughout my life, I have always managed to get ahead, and I believe that, to a large extent, it has been thanks to the solid principles and values that they instilled in me. And I am deeply grateful to them for that.
I say that my personal story is quite special because, at first glance, in some sections it could seem a bit dramatic, but precisely the moral is in the happy ending. Often life brings us to fulfillment through the most complicated paths.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and I am an only child, the only child from my father’s second marriage. The origin of almost all my family environment, apart from Argentina, comes mainly from Italy and a part also from Lebanon, so we could say that I grew up and developed in a very… but how very macho.
From my earliest childhood and throughout my pre-adolescence, I lived in a family environment in which the male figures, including all my uncles and godfathers, were practically gods, while the women of the house had hardly any rights.
I saw my mother, my grandmother, my aunt, all the women in my family suffering a lot because of this, although, paradoxically, they considered it normalized. They resigned themselves, because they simply did not contemplate the possibility that things could be otherwise.
My mother passed away when I was 16 quite suddenly and 2 years later my father passed away as well.
That was the darkest time of my life because it was a time when a lot of things happened in a very short time, so it was like a kind of family devastation, a period where I felt really disoriented.
Losing unconditional affection at such a young age leads you to feel a sense of deep emotional helplessness, I remember that stage of my life very consciously, because in the end I had lost very soon the main pillars that, regardless of what you do in life, will always continue to love and support you unconditionally.
I come from a family of entrepreneurs, so after the death of my parents and when I was of age, my guardians came to tell me that I «would not have to worry or worry about anything, that I would have my income organized and that I would receive my share in a regular and sustained way».

Buenos Aires, Argentina

And I, that in character I have always been quite arm-wit, perhaps because having been quite lonely at a very young age made me have to be strong, at that time I was studying Sociology at university and I had a group of friends who were very important to me because, somehow, I transferred all my affective world to my closest friends.
So I had an inner world and a pretty strong emotional support network, let’s say, but when my tutors came to me to insinuate that «I wasn’t going to have anything to do with the family’s business and companies,» I told them:
«When is the next meeting? I want to attend.»
They looked at each other somewhat surprised, because I was in my early 20s at the time, but they didn’t say anything, and I went to the meeting.
During the meeting, I listened attentively and gradually began to give my opinion on the topics that were discussed. And that’s how I earned my place, because they saw that what I said made sense and they were verifying for themselves that everything I contributed was valid.
By this I mean that from a very young age I have had my own vision of things and I wanted to value it. I wanted to earn my place even though it already belonged to me beforehand in a rightful way.
I didn’t want to simply resign myself to what I was told, as had always been expected of all the women in my family, and surely it was what would have been expected of me as well.
Over time, I realize that I have reinvented myself several times throughout my life and all of them have required a healthy dose of optimism, bravery, and courage.

Subsequently, although still very young, I met the father of my daughters and we moved to live in Spain.
We both loved to travel a lot so, when I finished my degree, we decided to go on a trip around the world: four and a half years living in different countries.
And a few years later, what I call the grey stage entered my life, – I tend to label the stages of my life that have had a great impact on my personal evolution – not as bad as the first black stage of family devastation, but also quite dark: the corralito arrived in Argentina and the crisis of 2008 in Spain…
It was a stage of unrest and very important economic anxiety that left me in a very delicate situation and in which I had to face many vicissitudes under a very high level of stress, it took me a couple of years to recover.
Having been able to overcome all the obstacles and manage to rebuild myself gave me strength, because I have had very strong challenges in my life, I have suffered significant losses when I was very young, I have gone through very difficult economic problems, but I have always managed to move forward.
And all that now allows me to relativize things a lot, because I think that in life things have to be given the importance they have and I am very clear about what is important in my life, and that is the great moral: that I am a positive person and also very strong, those are the main personal traits that define me. I’m not afraid to face life’s difficulties and obstacles.
I always try to see things from a positive, proactive perspective and adopt a constructive attitude to the problems that arise, I try to focus on seeing what I can do and what would be the best way to do it.
I don’t allow myself to fall into victimhood or wait for the weather to be with me, I always look for my own abilities, and if I don’t have them, I learn them.
As I usually say: «I don’t change the objective, I change the path», and that is why I have been making my way in life based on effort, resilience and trying to take each life experience as a learning experience, because for me life is just that, a continuous learning and I think that this perspective also helps me a lot to exercise a Positive Leadership in BNI Baleares.
Positive Leadership, the leadership model you practice
That’s right, and I also try to instill that in my teams. If something doesn’t go well or as expected, we review to see how it can be done better. Do we know the objectives, are we clear about the path, do we have the necessary tools? Then we can do it.
Positive Leadership requires vision, effort and determination, it cannot be led from defeatism, victimhood and self-pity.
My ability to overcome throughout my life has taught me that difficult experiences make us wiser and stronger.
Strong from empathy, of course, without ever leaving aside sensitivity. This is also important: we must never stop being vulnerable in our surroundings and with our affections, because otherwise that fortress could become a wall.
We must be able to retrace our steps and review the path whenever necessary and as many times as necessary. Stop and honestly reflect on what we can improve.
That is the basis of our relational evolution and our growth, both as individuals and professionals.

Positivity, Empathy, Resilience and Courage. You have a good balance between feminine and masculine energies in your personality
I think so, because in the mostly male environment of the business world I feel very comfortable, as one more and when it comes to the female world, especially with my best friends, even more so.
And that’s what I think is another important advantage when it comes to leading BNI Baleares.
I can’t conceive of not trying to achieve everything I set out to do. That is to say, of course I do not consider myself to have super-powers, but to give up on something that I have set out to achieve I have to have tried to have invested to the maximum all my intention, my attention, my energy and my abilities.
As an essentially feminine quality, I tend to mediate and try to find solutions to problems or conflicts that may arise from a conciliatory, empathetic, proactive, inclusive and intuitive perspective.
Many great achievements come from unwavering determination and following your own inner voice and not allowing the opinions of others to make you give up before you start.
This is important because it happens a lot of times: you share your vision and exciting intention to do something, and other people, perhaps more restrained or less committed to achieving their goals, or who simply find it difficult to do anything that takes them out of their comfort zone, are going to rush to advise you: «Don’t do it,
Don’t get into that, be careful with that.» Limiting beliefs, unfounded fears, conscious or unconscious, that can set you back from your purpose if you don’t apply enough determination.
Great goals are left unachieved by mentalities that easily subscribe to the «it’s not worth trying» mentality.
Yes it is worth it, of course it is worth it, we should always try, if we do not fight to achieve our own goals and fulfill our own dreams, who will?
This is my way of looking at life.

And that doesn’t mean that I never make mistakes, of course I make mistakes, like everyone else, but when I make them I try to make amends and when I feel that something is out of balance, I choose to try to balance it instead of dropping it.
And not only in the company, but also in all facets of my life, in relationships, in friendships, in family…
Family is very important to me. I want to give my daughters the model of a happy woman, so that they can do what they have to do in life to be happy women.
With my husband, Joan Coll, we have shared a very beautiful energy and relationship for 12 years now and I always say that we must be soulmates because, with how different we are, our differences fit perfectly, like two pieces destined to be part of the same puzzle.
We share much more than love: we share life, we share values, we share ideas, we share family and we share work. We are a team.
We support each other in bad times, we celebrate common achievements, and I feel very lucky to have a man like Joan by my side.
With Joan came the White stage of my life at last: my happiness, my tranquility, my stability and my security.
I can’t imagine a better travel and life companion.

Joan Coll, your life, travel and work partner, co-leading BNI Baleares with you
That’s right, and your support is invaluable to me. Joan joined as Co-Executive Director of BNI Baleares a few years after me, but from the first moment he was fully involved with me in the project.
At the beginning more from the backstage, let’s say, in a less visible way than me, because then he was more focused on other professional projects, but he was always involved actively helping me in everything, and so BNI Baleares grew, then the pandemic came and I really needed him to be fully involved and now we are both completely immersed and we form a fantastic team because we complement each other very well.
I’m more of a quick decision maker with a more assertive nature, a somewhat more impulsive action in the face of decisions that, because they are pioneering or innovative, involve a certain risk, because I love challenges. I always say that in life I’d rather regret something I’ve done than something I haven’t done or tried.
Joan is more about perfecting, precise, filing and polishing the details, thinking, analysing and digesting things more carefully, brilliant in management and impeccable in processes.
We complement each other very well because we put our respective virtues and strengths in favor of the project, each one of us being able to act from our own essence and personality.
And of course we’ll make mistakes… Of course, as we have said, we all make mistakes, but I don’t think anyone can doubt that our involvement and dedication to BNI Baleares is absolute, and that we are both good people, I don’t think either.

Patricia, how do you envision the best possible version of BNI Baleares?
What would be the legacy that you would like to leave at the BNI in which you are so committed and that you build day by day?
For me, values are very important, as are generosity and value generation.
To BNI’s main slogan: «Changing the way the world does business» I would like to have contributed my own grain of sand in the mission of opening minds and helping to develop quality contacts and build relationships of trust, contributing every day to consolidate the local economy in a tangible and meaningful way, and helping both the companies currently established here and the new ones that arrive to become more and more competitive in the market, because if not, what can happen, as has already happened in many other territories, is that the big fish end up eating the small one.
In the end we generate business and economic growth for the companies of the Balearic Islands, and therefore for the economy of the islands and I would like to continue to contribute proactively and substantially to favour an environment in which the entrepreneurs of the Balearic Islands can thrive in a healthy economic environment and support each other to grow and prosper together.

Foto: Xisco Kamal, Kamal Photography
What is your main roadmap to the BNI of the future now?
My roadmap right now is, of course, to continue strengthening the BNI community in the Balearic Islands.
Right now in Mallorca we are already 14 groups of entrepreneurs, we have meetings from Monday to Friday in different time slots, some of them face-to-face, others 100% online and some groups are hybrid that combine both modalities.
What I mean by this is that we already have a fairly consolidated presence here and we are very established, but it seems to me that we always have to continue growing and I would like, in about 5 years, to become a community of about 1,000 entrepreneurs.
I think there is a lot of potential still ahead, considering the number of freelancers and companies here in the Balearic Islands.
We also want to boost expansion in Ibiza & Formentera and Menorca, setting up local and face-to-face groups on each of the islands.
This is one of our main intentions currently, and thus continue to generate more visibility, credibility and profitability for local companies through the exchange of business generated between the members of the islands.

The amount we have invoiced in business exchanged both since the beginning of BNI Baleares 12 years ago and in this last year is very significant as an indicator of the power that the organization has when it comes to generating business for the region, so our main objective is to continue promoting the growth of people and the success of companies. for the benefit of our members and the entire community.

https://bnibaleares.com/en-GB/indexFantastic Patricia, and one last message to all our readers, to all those who are already members of BNI and to those who might be considering becoming one
I would tell them so many things…
I am inspired by visionaries and great leaders. I like to read books by great authors like Robert Kiyosaki, people who I consider wise, who give me a lot of ideas and who always have one thing in common: that they are visionary, brave people who are always willing to leave their comfort zone to face new challenges.
I have been leading BNI Baleares for more than a decade and I have managed to make it a benchmark within BNI Spain.
My desire is to accompany the empowerment of people so that they think like entrepreneurs and manifest the best version of themselves both professionally and personally.
I am visionary and passionate and want to positively impact the lives of others so that they find a path of abundance and prosperity.
I am a firm believer in the power of human relations and business networking and believe that BNI can help many entrepreneurs achieve their most ambitious goals and dreams.
To our current members, I would like to encourage them to continue to grow, to continue to develop, to train and expand beyond their own limits, generating business opportunities through synergies and exchange of opportunities with other members.
To those who are not currently members of BNI Baleares, I would invite you to come and meet us, at a global level BNI is a business organization that accumulates a trajectory of 40 years of success and provides great resources.
Come to BNI Baleares to explore us, come as Guests to any of our group meetings, whether face-to-face or online.
Attending one of our 14 groups as a guest is the best way for them to see for themselves that, whatever their business activity, BNI is a powerful tool to help them grow professionally, significantly increase the profitability of their companies and also develop their own growth and evolution through a solid network of contacts.
The mere fact of considering joining BNI is, in itself, a statement of intent that shows their intention to improve, evolve, expand and grow and we will provide them with the best resources.
Whether they are established businessmen or brilliant young entrepreneurs starting their professional adventure, there is a long way to go, and at BNI Baleares you will never have to travel it alone.
Patricia Martino
Executive Director
– By Patricia Pal
Palma de Mallorca, Mayo 26th. 2024
NastaONE International Communication

Foto: Xisco Kamal, Kamal Photography
Executive Director
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