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Patricia Pal

About You & Us


NastaONE was founded in Barcelona, Spain, in 2003.

Today, we have offices in Barcelona and Mallorca,
and we work closely with our Partners in Beijing
National Geographic Magazine China 
and Caixin Global producing Special Reports and providing FDI Global Intelligence with The Ambassadors Sections about the best Business, Investment and Tourism Destinations in the world.

The world has changed a lot since we started…

The global geopolitical center of gravity has changed dramatically in the last few years, and in the early throes of constant seismic shifts, world leaders had to quickly learn to operate in a new world where old assumptions no longer hold.

In the Brand New World we are all currently navigating,
where new scenarios bloom from our hands daily
and the push of rapid-changing Landscapes
make their way under our feet,
we are constantly observing, fluctuating, adapting, updating and upgrading, surfing victoriously the waves of change.

We work From and With Passion,
to Explore and Expose Your Vision and Your Mission,
to showcase your Goals and Achievements
at Global Level, especially EU, US, China,Egypt & Turkey, the top geo-strategic players in the current Global Scene.

If the World Matters to You

We will make You Matter to The World.

May We Find Each Other Soon.

Greetings to You
with Highest Respect and Warmest Regards
from our Beloved Mediterranean.

Patricia Pal

NastaONE International Communication

National Geographic Magazine China

The Ambassadors Sections 

Caixin Global
